Digital guidance and coaching tool is an online questioner available below (from the website.)

The INTRuST digital guidance and coaching tool assess 15 different green certificates and standards. Among these are well know international FSC, PEFC, the EU Ecolablel and Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), along with some regional ecolabels like the Nordic Swan, the Blue Angle and the Austrian Ecolabel, and some labels and standards for organizations like ISO14001 and the EU eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS). These are rated through a set of preferences given by the company, like sector, export region and business model on the one hand and the environmental aspects covered by the label and standard on the other hand like climate change, water resources or plastic pollution.

The tool was built using Svelte.js and follows modern development guidelines for single page application (SPA). Additionally, the application stores basic information about users such as IP addresses and tracked progress in a database. The data will be used exclusively for internal analysis in order to improve the tool in the future.

Download the full INTRuST Coaching Tool Handbook in English HERE.

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