The project will develop four main results, including:

An Analysis and Report on the situation of Forestry and Furniture certifications and I4.0 solutions and Joint Curriculum.

INTRuST+ Coaching Tool: A coaching and auto-diagnosis tool where learners will have the chance to work on their certifications through editing specific sections (processes, procedures, indicators and other documents), adapting it to the characteristics of their organizations. The tool will suggest I4.0 technologies to be used in enterprises that aim to implement a digital transformation according to their profiles.

INTRuST Training Modules Development: The project will deliver novel training content and support professionals from the furniture, forestry and timber sectors in their acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences needed to successfully implement certifications within their company.

INTRuST Collaborative Platform and Pilot Action: The INTRuST Collaborative Platform will be built based on the joint curriculum previously identified, and it will cover all learning outcomes that learners will need to complete certificates implementation and I4.0 training. The INTRuST Collaborative Platform will allow personalized training paths to be built by verifying existing capacities and interest of participants about green certificates, I4.0 and implementation processes.

Besides other sharing activities, 5 Multiplier Events will be arranged. They will include in total 150 participants with different profiles such as Professionals of certifications, ICT experts, Circular Economy experts.

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